10 November 2017 – SENS Announcement: 476 carat diamond found at Meya Mine 10 November 2017
10th November 2017

10 November 2017 – SENS Announcement: 476 carat diamond found at Meya Mine 10 November 2017

Hon. Minkailu Mansaray, Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources, Republic of Sierra Leone


The diamond measures 476 Carats


An initial assessment indicates that this find is the 29th largest diamond ever discovered in the world


Group Head: Resources     Jan Joubert


Left to Right: Dino Coutinho - COO Meya Mining Honourable Minister Abdul Ignosi Koroma Deputy Minister of Mines and Mineral Resources Jan Joubert - CEO Trustco Resources and CEO Meya Mining 
Sahr Wonday - Director General National Minerals Agency
Ibrahim Sorie Kamara - Director Meya Mining and CEO Germinate SL Limited




Two other special diamonds of 19.70 carats and 27.93 carats were discovered on the same day in the same area.








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